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Our Theme

When God commanded Abraham to worship Him on Mount Moriah, the one to be sacrificed was not a lamb, but his very own son. In that moment of surrender, Abraham’s offering revealed the true cost of his worship.

Likewise, Jesus was sent to a cross on a hill called Calvary, giving His life in complete obedience and paying the price for ours. Throughout history, many have praised God even at the cost of their own lives.


When worship requires sacrifice, will our voices yet be lifted to heaven? Are we willing to surrender that which we treasure most, knowing that true worship may cost us everything? God hears our songs of praise, but He is honoured most by the sacrifices we are willing to make for Him.


When praise demands a sacrifice, will we still worship God and remain faithful?

Troy SDA
May 1 - 4, 2025
Price of Praise


Registration Cost: $10

There is a $10 registration cost.

Kids under 5 attend for free

and get meals at a discount.

Meals (ages 0-5) - $3 per meal

Meals (ages 6+) - $5 per meal

T-shirts : $15  (price subject to  change)
Location Map
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Weekend Schedule

**Schedule Subject to Change**

3:45- Registration
8:00 - Breakfast
8:00 - Breakfast
8:00 - Breakfast
5:00 - Ice Breakers
9:00 - Morning Meeting
9:30 - Sabbath School
9:30 - Morning Meeting
5:30 - Supper
10:30 - Group Activity
10:45 - Church
6:45 - Evening Meeting
12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Lunch
1:30 - Outreach
2:00 - Prepare for Outreach
5:00 - United prayer
2:30 - 4:45 - Outreach/Report
5:30 - Supper
5:30 - Supper
6:45 - Evening Meeting
6:45 - Evening Meeting
8:00 - Music
8:15 - Games


    Thursday Evening


    Friday Morning


    Friday Evening


    Sabbath Morning


    Sabbath Evening


    Sunday Morning



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